The risk of life-threatening infection peaks in a child's first four to nine months.
But both drugs have side effects, including an increased risk of serious, life-threatening infections.
Without primary care programs these children will develop life-threatening infections, which could be easily prevented with medications.
The most severe, life-threatening infections were described in asplenic patients.
This can make it easier for you to develop a serious or life-threatening infection.
However, during the two weeks that the immune system requires to become strong again, the body is extremely vulnerable to life-threatening infection.
A low number of white blood cells can decrease your body's ability to fight serious, life-threatening infections.
If they get bad enough, you have to do skin grafts to prevent life-threatening infections.
Before antibiotics became available in the 1940s, not much could be done to cure life-threatening bacterial infections.
Also, a life-threatening infection, which is rare but real, could develop!