A life-threatening attack of rheumatic fever means isolation from her friend.
"There is no nation on earth that would tolerate such life-threatening attacks against its citizens and not respond in kind," Mr. Lancry said.
Thana was instantly overcome by a life-threatening attack of giggles.
When the life-threatening attack has been controlled, treatment continues with medicine taken by mouth as often as four times a day.
Similarly, Dr. Miller said, severe depression and hopelessness in humans may trigger life-threatening attacks in people with asthma.
There is ample evidence that in developing countries breast milk protects against growth-stunting and sometimes life-threatening attacks of diarrhea caused by various infectious organisms.
The decade began with a life-threatening attack of peritonitis, recovery from which required more than two years.
Since 2008, Copocabana in particular has been a regular starting point of violent, and sometimes life-threatening, attacks and abductions.
Palestinians see such responses as evidence that the Israeli Army is carrying out its announced intent to adopt tougher retaliatory tactics against what it terms life-threatening attacks.
"If police officers are placed under a life-threatening attack," the memo said, "they should use their nightsticks or firearms to fend against such attacks."