is a website founded in 2008 that uses an interactive vocabulary game to donate life-saving vaccines to impoverished areas of the world.
Working closely with public health partners continued significant progress can be made to reduce health disparities and ensure everyone has access to life-saving vaccines.
Clearly, it would be more convincing to argue a case for exploiting animals to develop a life-saving vaccine than to produce a dispensable commodity such as a new lipstick.
"It is like the introduction of a life-saving vaccine," said Mr. O'Neill.
Agricultural societies, horse doctors, poor farmers whose fields were cursed with the poisonous virus of anthrax-all these sent telegrams begging him for thousands of doses of the life-saving vaccine.
From these experimental roots came several life-saving vaccines, drugs and other therapies, among them human insulin for diabetics, a clot-dissolving agent for people with heart disease, human growth hormones for underdeveloped children and interferon for cancer patients.
Mame Bockarie is also hoping her newborn daughter will live beyond infancy, thanks to the introduction of life-saving modern vaccines.
Dr. Levine's efforts, and those of PneumoADIP, are aimed at accelerating access to these life-saving vaccines so that children everywhere can benefit from them.
But more lives will be saved by scientists stepping in to defend a life-saving vaccine at a time when many teenagers and parents may be considering avoiding it.
The AMC pilot represented the first step in a historic effort to create a market for life-saving vaccines for children in the world's poorest countries.