But he said the cosmetically focused robot would lay the ground for not-yet-invented life-saving techniques.
The success of the booklet spurred Elam to produce films demonstrating this new life-saving technique.
She took hold of the girl and used the life-saving technique to haul her along.
Have another person with you who knows your seizure risk and is trained in life-saving techniques.
"We train our people in advanced life-saving techniques," Mr. Murphy said.
To their credit, she'd left knowing four swimming strokes and several life-saving techniques, and was entirely at home in the water.
It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases, potentially life-saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment.
Dramatic life-saving techniques, organ transplants and similar developments have popular appeal.
Some areas give more training in other life-saving techniques and equipment (see below).
It seems likely that trepanation was performed for ritualistic or religious reasons and not only as an attempted life-saving technique.