An out-of-shape person may not be vulnerable to AMS, while an Olympic athlete may find himself or herself in a life-or-death medical emergency.
So the police have stepped up efforts to persuade residents to call 911 only in life-or-death emergencies.
Except in the event of a life-or-death emergency, which wouldn't be difficult to arrange.
Fans of the mechanical thriller genre already know there's nothing like a life-or-death emergency to draw families closer.
They come screeching through the streets, sirens wailing and lights flashing, grim symbols of life-or-death emergencies.
New York City's Police and Fire Departments agreed yesterday to put to rest their longstanding feud over who is in charge at various life-or-death emergencies.
That was strictly for the worst sort of life-or-death emergency.
No one's allowed near the study unless they can claim a life-or-death emergency.
It was theoretically possible to survive a lengthy stay in the buffer, but he wasn't willing to try it for anything less than a life-or-death emergency, which this was not.
Unless it's a life-or-death emergency, the Coast Guard refers disabled-boat calls to private contractors like Tropical Rescue, which charge big bucks.