We also work toward becoming life-long learners and leaders who can bring diverse groups of people together to address the problems that our communities face.
The district's motto is, "Educating each student to be a life-long learner and a caring, responsible citizen."
The school's mission statement is "All students will achieve their maximum potential by becoming responsible, productive citizens and life-long learners."
Providing relevant, responsive education so that each student becomes a life-long learner and contributing citizen in a diverse world.
These are skills that will make them life-long learners and life-long intelligent consumers.
Our subscribers include readers of all ages - from high school and college students to life-long learners who have experienced vision loss in later years.
The goal of our school is to ensure that each student graduates to become a productive citizen and a life-long learner.
Get some non-mainstream news, do some research, be a life-long learner.
The mission of Global Health is to prepare nurses as critical thinkers and life-long learners, able to function effectively within the changing healthcare environment.
Our teachers are life-long learners.