Optimality theory has been successful in explaining diversity in life-history traits such as age of first breeding, number of breeding attempts and number of offspring produced at each.
If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
By contrast, both theories are consistent with the presence of genetic variation for ageing, which is the norm for quantitative characters including other life-history traits.
Pinsky et al. analyzed two independent fisheries databases, collectively describing 578 species over 60 years, to figure out which life-history traits might correlate with population collapse.
Changes in life-history traits of Fall Webworm within half a century of introduction into Japan.
Studies of their life-history traits, behavior and ecology help understanding of primate evolution, since they are thought to share similarities with ancestral primates.
Therefore, investment in one trait (e.g. virulence or immunity) limits investment in other life-history traits (e.g. reproductive rate).
Phylogeny, biogeography, and the evolution of life-history traits in Leucadendron (Proteaceae)
It has been particularly useful as a model for the study of the evolution of various life-history traits, particularly clutch size.
He concluded that population was regulated primarily by density-dependent controls, and also suggested that natural selection produces life-history traits that maximize the fitness of individuals.