Turn from death and drink this life-giving water we are offering you!
How worn you looked as you sat in the shade, resting with a drink of cool, life-giving water.
Oden - The rain, they worship him (it) for its life-giving water.
Blue Moon is covered in life-giving water and an atmosphere so dense that enormous creatures can take flight.
He scrabbled for the sponge, responding to the life-giving water, but Garcia pulled it away.
Once a month, the towers built by the Sartan sent forth life-giving water.
The canals beyond were dark lines of conduit, through which no life-giving waters flowed.
The Mississippi provides us with life-giving water, wild rice, plants, the mammals that we hunt.
Like the Mississippi, with its endless flow of life-giving water, immigration has enriched America throughout history.
That the life-giving waters would fall from the sky.