Trauma surgeons say some centers that once handled a constant stream of life-and-death emergencies are now underworked.
Pride, however, says it will need to be a life-and-death emergency before I hit that speed-dial.
It's for life-and-death emergencies.
In addition, I learned that despite self-doubts about being able to do CPR when faced with a life-and-death emergency I did not panic, faint or run out of stamina.
What we did have last time, and the other three times, was a life-and-death emergency.
Tom felt that there was now no reason to turn down Hedron's offer of assistance, especially in such a life-and-death emergency.
In the real world, under the pressure of life-and-death emergencies, this model goes out the window, and something called pattern recognition takes over.
We find ourselves oftener like pilots of a ship in a life-and-death emergency.
Many factors can prevent emergency workers from reaching life-and-death emergencies quickly enough to apply defibrillation in time.
Personally I'd prefer to live in a world where everybody rides bicycles and nobody drives cars except in life-and-death emergencies.