Suddenly, Emma's new life unravels and her friends are shocked by the lies.
Lenny's life unravels little by little as the drug habit gets the better of him.
Maybe her own life was unraveling at the seams, but surely she could do something to bring those two together.
And so his life unravels, according to the American arc: on television and on the run.
"Absolutely," said Woods, whose world ranking has slipped to 52nd since his private life unravelled at the end of 2009.
His life rapidly unravels once he goes ballistic and insults a telephone operator who gives him the wrong number.
He returns home shattered; his marriage and his professional life unravel.
Now her life unravels in a series of mishaps, while for him everything starts going right.
The novel explores how Silk's life unravels, and why he kept his true identity secret for 50 years.
Her life was unraveling at $4.99 a minute.