In this version of Lolly, there was no escape for the young woman who had declared, "My life stinks, you can't believe how much my life stinks."
I wasn't suicidal, but I was laying around, saying, 'My life stinks.'
"Don't tell me that life stinks," he said.
"My life stinks," she said.
"You can't imagine how much my life stinks."
Ron - 4 days ago He is a positive person living in some bitter times, Don't take it out on him that your lives stink.
"If you don't change your thinking from stinking thinking, your life will stink," he told the parishioners, who shouted "Hallelujah!"
My life stinks," said Cohen.
Here technology makes operatic life stink, says Mr. Sellars, and we had all better watch out.
My life stinks of gasoline lately, he thought.