Kafka and Nakata are not acquainted, but their lives overlap in piquant, spooky ways.
Their lives overlap a bit more than either would prefer.
These dates are approximations rather than specific points because the lives of individual artists and their personal styles overlapped the different periods.
In those intervening years, the characters' lives have overlapped and events have become more contrived.
Of course, finding both common ground and telling contrasts between composers whose lives and styles overlapped is not brain surgery.
Their lives overlapped for only a few weeks.
(The show's title refers to the number of Sundays in the years his life overlapped with his father's.)
His life overlapped that of Parmigianino (1503-1540), a master of elegant figure drawing who probably worked with him as a youth.
In the Parker household, real life and theater often overlap.
The oceanic ice-cover data were produced by four satellites whose useful lives overlapped to yield an 18-year record.