The Catholic faith not only played a large role in the government and legislation, but also in the social lives of residents.
US forces protected the lives and property of American residents during a revolution.
It is a way to remember the lives of residents who did more than pay taxes and obey the law.
Thus the county government, with a budget of $3.2 billion a year, tends to exercise the most influence over the daily lives of residents.
Currently the town consistently improves on building projects, business opportunities, and social life of local residents.
Lethal or not, the sludge and the smell has consumed the lives of residents.
In some countries, American troops have improved the lives of residents by fixing their roads or bridges.
The intent of the plan is to improve the lives of residents.
While the lives of most residents revolve around the ships, there is light industry in the area, which employs other people.
Another concern is about disrupting the lives of residents of the site.