I also can't lie conveniently.
He was half-drunk, lying on his bed with a bottle conveniently near.
Thucydides also tells us that the Spartans thought the town would "lie conveniently for the purposes of the war with Athens."
Thucydides tells us the Spartans wished to found this colony "because it would lie conveniently for the purposes of the war against the Athenians.
And the Champagne area lies conveniently to the east to help celebrate its successes.
This village lies conveniently next to the large Pastaza river, in which the Province was named.
Leichhardt crossed the river at Roper Bar, a rocky shelf which conveniently lies at the high tide limit on the river.
Flower pointed to a log conveniently lying near the fire.
He dug his slicker out of his saddlebags and rode on with it lying conveniently across the saddle in front of him.
In addition, much of the land lies conveniently along Tobu's commuter rail lines.