You probably know that it is not far from there that the British dead lie buried, who were slain by Hengist's treachery.
The book reaches a melodramatic conclusion in a gale-tossed cemetery, where the final secret lies buried.
Years later, on one cold autumn day, a stranger walks into town and weeps at the churchyard where his beloved lies buried.
His future lies buried with that baby in the Trinity pit.
At least another two hundred lie buried in the rubble of the destroyed buildings.
He reportedly said, "My lands are where my dead lie buried."
The image perfectly captures the idea that something awful or unexpected lies buried beneath the surface - and not that deeply either.
"My lands are where my dead lie buried," the Sioux chief responded.
Now blasphemous lies were burying her.
And if there did, rest in peace, Old One, now that secret lies buried with you.