But those are precisely the issues that will be examined in excruciating detail by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission if a licensing application is allowed to move forward.
A 2000 government decree requires potential commercial radio broadcasters to submit a licensing application, pay a fee when the application is approved, and pay an annual licensing fee.
There are some licensing applications Your Worships.
Still, during the initial period when new licensing applications were being aggressively explored, Disney learned some lessons about its corporate name and characters that it is still actively and richly exploiting.
There are some licensing applications George.
The largest seller of handguns in Venezuela last year was Valor Corporation, in Cape Coral, Fla., according to American licensing applications.
Bundesliga had an opportunity to join the league, but canceled their licensing application.
They would have been joined by newcomers Donn, whose licensing application for the 2011 season was denied on 4 November for financial reasons.
However licensing was gradually liberalised after the 1960s, until contested licensing applications became very rare, and the remaining administrative function was transferred to Local Authorities in 2005.
Lay members of non-Islamic communities may lead worship if they are specified as leaders in their group's licensing application.