A number of licensed and unlicensed copies of the mine have been produced.
Some authors say that it was a licensed copy of the Seven Adrian Room.
The early Rosengart cars were licensed copies of the British Austin 7.
His goal is to franchise the company, setting up licensed copies in other cities where unwanted pallets are plentiful and jobs hard to come by.
You need a licensed copy of the version of Windows you want to run, but there's nothing else to buy!
But I do own a licensed copy of SpinRite just in case.
In 1958, it began producing licensed copies of Soviet aircraft.
And again, another reason that they're heavyweight is you have to have another licensed copy of the operating system.
Rikuo, a licensed copy of the Harley-Davidson, started production in 1929.
It was a licensed copy of a 1905 Krupp design.