Fixed Fees for Services The commission held that such a system would give the company control of casino revenues, a function reserved in New Jersey for licensed casinos.
But New Jersey did carve out an exception for its licensed casinos, so as not to leave them with what one Federal judge called "the traditional extralegal methods" of collecting i.o.u.'s.
The only state that has legalized sports betting on specific games is Nevada, which conducts the business in licensed casinos.
In 1996 the National Gambling Act instituted a system of licensed casinos and a single national lottery.
Congressional sponsors of the legislation say that organized crime is heavily involved in online gambling and that the sites are used for money laundering and are more likely to defraud customers than are licensed casinos.
Under Greek law, gambling is prohibited outside licensed casinos.
Pittsburgh is home to one of the several licensed casinos in the state.
Under the Gambling Act 2005, commercial high-stakes poker is restricted to licensed casinos.
(Gambling in Greece is allowed only in licensed casinos.)
Be aware that gambling outside of licensed casinos is illegal in Vietnam.