Some custodians, maintenance staff, secretaries, educational assistants, early childhood educators, and library technicians are campaigning against Bill 115.
Finally, some progress has been made in getting library staff back and all new hires are required to be certified library technicians.
Her father is the chairman of the romance languages department at Oberlin College, where her mother is a library technician.
Especially in small village libraries, a library technician may be the only person (or one of only a few) staffing the library.
A library technician would then purchase items based on these criteria.
Wilson returned to his position as library technician following his defeat.
She is a tribe member and a library technician at the reservation.
Library associates, library technicians, and library assistants often have college diplomas but usually do not hold library-related degrees.
Other jobs in libraries include the job of library technician.
To become a library technician, a person needs to complete a college diploma.