He attended Brooklyn College, mostly at night, and met his future wife "in the library stacks."
In this way, people can explore one another's book categories, as they might once have wandered the library stacks, hoping for unexpected finds.
He remembered, once again, that rainy day of early spring when he had sat at a desk in the library stacks.
A postcard from the future, lying in the library stacks.
The library stacks are located in the room at the rear of the building.
The library stacks are accessible to researchers (by appointment).
She found one immediately through Google; for the other, she had to trek to the library stacks.
But Jase-that's because you're wearing yourself out in those library stacks.
However, he kept going, on down the hall and in through the narrow door leading into the bottom of the library stacks.
At the moment his eyes lit on me, my hand gave a throb where he had bent it back so hard in the library stacks.