The library was renamed for him after his death in 1933.
In 1874, the library became free to the public and was renamed the Cambridge Public.
Chico State's library was renamed for Ted Meriam in 1981.
The library was renamed Knight Library in honor of Knight's family.
In 1980, a larger annex was added and the library was renamed for Cecil Howard Green.
And the second library was renamed as the Kansai-kan(the present name) in 1987.
In 1997, the library moved into its own newly constructed building and was renamed Jake Epp Library.
In 2005, the library, now a branch of the county library system, was renamed to honor Royce.
The library moved to the structure and was renamed after Bruce.
Charles Rushmore died in 1931, and eight years later the library would be formally renamed in his memory.