They are sharing books, using library copies or going online to find cheap used copies.
After much hunting, I eventually managed to get my hands on an old library copy on abebooks.
Well, first off, I renewed my library copy last night, no problem.
Often, when a publication is to be used by many readers, such as library copies, the potential number of users figures in the cost equation.
They make do with slightly older editions, read library copies or share with other students.
Strategies range from scouring the Internet for used books to simply using the library copy.
A reader has pencilled the following comment in a library copy of the work:
Furthermore, he said, students cannot use the excuse that music is unavailable, nor must they rely on library copies marked up by someone else.
She is surprised that almost nobody remembers or read has it, that there are no library copies.
Students are sharing books, using library copies or going online to find used ones.