Finally Aahz decided we had talked enough and we all headed back into the library area.
The school built a new library area and renovated the school lunch hall.
"The machine is located in the rear of the library area," Saa said.
Aenea and I were sitting at the low glass table in the middle of the library area; the android stood to one side.
The school has the capacity for 420 pupils with 14 classrooms, two halls, a computer suite and a separate library area.
Some libraries may opt for listening stations or rooms separate from the main library area.
That evening, I retreated to the little library area on the landing to examine my pile of prescribed books.
"I am against sacrificing library area for them," he said.
Also, a "library" area is common, with books and chairs for people waiting to meet someone.
He is the second prisoner to be found in a library area.