A reference library, archive and photographic collection specializing in regional naval material are open to the public by appointment.
Finally, President Bush's 2001 executive order limiting access to the records in presidential library archives needs to be overturned.
I've used communication logs and library archives to craft a translation module.
The library archives have served as primary sources for many of the prominent publications on Sindhi culture.
Google joins forces with Italy to digitize the national library archives.
Special collections library archives on the University of California Website.
Postgraduate students in the department have ready access to an exceptionally wide range of library, archive and other research resources.
He regularly combs through 120 websites, newspaper and library archives to find 5 or 6 stories for each day's column.
At www.winespectator.com, the magazine's library archives are a gold mine of estate listings.
The problems have been studied in library, archive and academic circles, but their implications are now becoming clear to the wider world.