A libertarian Republican, Amash was first elected to the House in the 2010 election.
In fact, an alliance between libertarian Republicans and libertarian Democrats has produced important victories for privacy and free expression since Sept. 11.
Other libertarian Republicans are in the same boat.
By contrast, Thomas R. Saving, a public trustee of Social Security who described himself as a libertarian Republican, said the report was confirmation that the program in its current form was unsustainable.
Let us set aside the hoo-ha about abortion and school prayer amendments, where libertarian Republicans like me welcome Powell's positions.
The big lesson of last month's election was that the party cannot afford to alienate moderate and libertarian Republicans who worry that it is too susceptible to the influence of the Christian right.
Cargo ran a poor fourth (13 percent) in the primary and lost to Gary Johnson, a libertarian Republican.
Similar to the fiscal conservative faction, libertarian Republicans seek to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and the national debt.
Still, look at where his support is coming from: young libertarian Republicans, blue Republicans, disillusioned anti-war Democrats, university students, independents, farmers and, above all, serving members of the armed forces.
A libertarian Republican is a person who subscribes to libertarian philosophy while typically voting for and being involved with the United States Republican Party.