"It would be as great a disgrace as if we had asked the liberated nations of Eastern Europe to return to Soviet domination."
Because the United States wants to help transform Iraq quickly into a liberated nation, the air campaign would be carried out to avoid the major destruction of the gulf war.
The Allies, including the government in exile's Free French Forces and later a liberated French nation, eventually emerged victorious over the Axis powers.
Given freedom from the Communists or colonial empires, some of the liberated nations use their newly released energies to slaughter their countrymen.
It will be interesting to read, in particular, how the former vice-president justifies the spectacular failure to plan for the stabilisation and rebuilding of the liberated nation - or, more accurately, the decision to ignore Colin Powell's multi-volume blueprint for post-Saddam reconstruction.
Saddam's statues join the rotting, rusty crafted images of the worst of rulers; and the fate of his people - like that of other liberated nations - will presumably be a lot better without him.
Promises of a voluntary and effective commonwealth of liberated nations soon became a rueful memory.
The Founding Fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson looked towards inspiration that will define the liberated nation.
Another was that German prisoners would not be fed at a higher level than German civilians, than the civilians of the liberated nations, or than the displaced persons (D.P.'s).
Later, these same persons, as leaders of the liberated nations, are called "statesmen" by similar organizations.