The rafe sign is liberally employed in the first folios, but later on is discarded.
The advancing infantry kept strictly within range of the supporting artillery, which was liberally employed in the early stages of the operation.
Appogiaturas, a fashionable form of ornamentation, were liberally employed, although additional vocal ornamentation was kept to a minimum, no doubt because the singers were taxed already.
Hungary was no exception and liberally employed trade barriers to protect its manufacturing base.
Flour dusting is more liberally employed in this style than in the Lanzhou style of preparation.
But the bread was good and liberally employed in starters.
Colorful local dialect is also employed liberally throughout Lasher's work, with themes and issues easily recognizable to the island's inhabitants.
As an instance, consider the classic situation, liberally employed in operas of all nationalities, in which a character is invited to sing.