Many Serbian liberals are now trying to defuse his arguments.
The liberals are trying to ride and influence the wave of Lithuanian nationalism.
As with Nixon, liberals are still trying to get back at Pinochet.
Although some of their efforts have been failures, liberals at least have tried to amend that division.
Therefore the liberals tried to abandoned their cause and to conclude peace agreements with the conservatives at the local level.
Why shouldn't liberals, who actually have the facts on their side, try engaging in the real thing?
Maybe some Republicans (Ford) were a little dumb, but liberals don't even try to make distinctions.
She said the group was concerned that liberals would try to "infiltrate" the group.
Across the country, other Democratic liberals were facing their own clash of values and trying to figure out which was worse, war or impeachment.
But soon the Court's liberals tried to have the case heard because they thought they could carry the day.