Those in the liberal trend believe that Islam, now entering its 15th century, needs to undergo a wholesale re-examination of its basic principles.
Rather, it was the founding churches' belief that many of the world's Anglican churches have deteriorated in recent years because of liberal trends.
The latter's first feuilleton, published in the December issue and making fun of liberal trends and views, made quite a stir.
The committee is regarded by the dominant change-oriented faction in the party to be unrepresentative of today's more liberal trends.
As regards the liberal trend in modern thought, he was himself not a little in sympathy with it.
He dismissed Gyurcsány's idea of embracing liberal and conservative trends.
But he was also hostile to free-market capitalism, and to abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia and other liberal and secular trends of the modern Western world.
By the 1870s, alongside these conservative and liberal nationalist trends, a third, more radical political force had emerged in Georgia.
Rising public opposition to the death penalty has been one of the few liberal social trends in recent years.
Opposition by conservative elements within mainstream denominations towards a perceived "liberal trend" led to a decline in church membership by 7 percent between 1976 and 1981.