The rest of 1820 was filled with news of liberal revolts to which Metternich was expected to respond.
Fearing intervention by Russian Empire in Prussia taken by liberal revolt, Poles were preparing for a joint defense with Prussian forces against possible Russian attack.
Somoza Garcia was trusted as a friend of Moncada, a supporter of the liberal revolt, and a nephew of Sacasa.
Taking advantage of divisions within the conservative ranks, José Santos Zelaya led a liberal revolt that brought him to power in 1893.
The French Revolution of 1848 precipitated a succession of liberal and national revolts against autocratic governments.
It seemed the complete aim of García Granados and his successor, Barrios, was to have as many liberal revolts as possible.
Taking advantage of divisions among conservatives, José Santos Zelaya led a liberal revolt that brought him to power in 1893.
Even though both sides clearly recognized that the liberal revolt was over, they needed the intervention to protect the crops.
The Moldavian Revolution of 1848 was an unsuccessful Romanian liberal and Romantic nationalist revolt in the principality of Moldavia.
Later, González Valencia, during the liberal revolt against President Miguel Antonio Caro, in 1895, once again he enlists in the national army to fight for his conservative beliefs.