Although the imperial administration was conservative, its wardrobe plans drew crucial support from a group of liberal pundits.
In refusing to take a stand, Gore avoided the ridicule of liberal pundits.
The good news is that you're about to hear a soft-headed liberal pundit's confession of all-too-frequent error in the old year.
Even liberal pundits are sounding bloodthirsty these days.
Europe's liberal and conservative pundits already are.
Kristol is trying to lure the liberal pundits that respect him into a false sense of security.
Rogers has been widely criticized by both liberal and conservative pundits for his priorities when it comes to national security.
By the weekend, liberal pundits and conservative pols were joined in messageful chorus.
However, after a few essays/posts he came under attack from the editors for unwarranted criticism of liberal pundits.
Clearly the liberal pundits feel they're scoring points by making fun of the reality-denying community.