The liberals, by contrast, propose no serious reforms for Social Security.
In the 1840s, urban, Protestant liberals gained the majority in the Tagsatzung and proposed a new constitution.
These liberals proposed adding a "minority plank" to the party platform that would commit the Democratic Party to a more aggressive opposition to racial segregation.
A few liberals, like Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, propose far greater levels of government involvement.
Conservative: The liberals have proposed yet another form of "common-sense" gun control.
Last Friday, liberals proposed a solution.
To preserve existing social programs, liberals are proposing the kind of austerity measures that used to be called union bashing.
To stop the decomposition of the Ottoman Empire, liberals in the Ottoman Empire proposed the United Kingdom model which is known as Common Wealth.
Other liberals propose more euphemism as a solution.
Naturally, the liberals propose a dialogue in principle, provided it is a dialogue in which both parties participate seriously.