The lawyer and pundit enumerates "liberal lies about the American right."
Mearsheimer argues that there are five types of international lies: inter-state lies, fear-mongering, strategic cover-ups, nationalist myths, and liberal lies.
Mearsheimer suggests that most political lies fall into one of five categories: inter-state lies, fear-mongering, strategic cover-ups, nationalist myths, and liberal lies.
He regurgitates the liberal lies of the media over dinner and doesn't even see the contradiction in his own lifestyle.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Coulter, Ann H. Slander : liberal lies about the American right / Ann Coulter.
The right hates science because the data contradict (in the case of homosexuality) Leviticus; the left because the data contradict the liberal lie that we're environment-created, not hard-wired in any way.
Ann Coulter called Obama Zombies "piercing, eye-opening, and deliciously witty" and said it "is required reading for an entire generation who have been sold liberal lies."