This has raised controversy in Egypt, as many liberals disagreed with the charge that Hanafi was an apostate.
They are conservative Republicans, and liberals would disagree with many of their policies.
While liberals and conservatives clearly disagree over social policies, I don't think that any policy advocates on either side would consider cold-blooded murder as a solution to these differences.
Ashcroft is someone who many liberals here disagree with, but he has earned some respect and admiration for the manner in which he has disagreed.
Of course, some liberals honestly disagreed with us on welfare reform, trade, fiscal responsibility, and national defense.
Of course, liberals, conservatives, and others may disagree among themselves on particular issues, and hold different positions.
In brief, within regime theory, liberals and realists disagree on two things: the nature of international cooperation and the role of international institutions.
If liberals really disagree with tory policies then NOW is the time to speak up and tell the electorate that this policy is wrong.
What appears to be happening is that charges of racism are just a smear tactic to attempt go silence people with whom liberals disagree.