Paisley's third appearance in court resulted from a protest against Rome rather than against liberal Protestants.
Ramos, a liberal Protestant from one of the country's most patrician families, had acquired a reputation for scrupulous honesty throughout his career.
In general, liberal Protestants affiliate more loosely with religious institutions and their views were not similar to those of non-affiliates.
He was raised as a liberal Protestant.
In the early years of the century, conservative Christians were just as involved in social programs as the liberal Protestants; however, their ideology was different.
The conservatives were ready for a fight, and, at this crucial moment, the liberal Protestants went on the offensive.
More liberal Protestants argue that the institute's financial backers are interfering with the theological disputes mainly for broader, secular political reasons.
Few liberal Protestants believed in a literal hell or talked much about the Second Coming.
Third, liberal Protestants and practicing Catholics do not especially stand out in their generosity to the poor.
But what if liberal Protestants or, for that matter, college-educated evangelicals consistently had a more stringent notion of what constitutes "a lot"?