Across the country, liberal Americans lined up to buy copies of "My Life" by Bill Clinton.
The liberal Americans for Democratic Action gave each of them a 75 percent rating in 1993.
He quickly built up a voting record rated highly by organized labor and the liberal Americans for Democratic Action.
The estrangement of liberal Americans from patriotism is a recent turn.
The liberal Americans for Democratic Action, however, gave Mr. Lieberman a 75 out of 100.
Towards the end of the interview he admitted that he and Islamic militants share some of the same negative beliefs about liberal Americans.
Americans, even liberal Americans, have a distrust of international institutions.
The liberal Americans for Democratic Action gave him 0 out of 100 for 2005 (most recent available).
We live in a time when many Americans, liberal and conservative, feel that society is out of control.
Even some politically liberal Americans oppose abortion on demand.