For example, publishers may face charges of defamation, if they produce and distribute libelous material to the public, even if the libel was written by another person.
The Sheaf will not publish any racist, sexist, homophobic, or libelous material.
Other on-line information services have similar restrictions against libelous, obscene or otherwise offensive material and will remove posted messages that violate those rules.
Books are checked during the copy editing process, and those that contain potentially libelous material are vetted by a publisher's legal department.
Comcast public access hosts also have to agree not to broadcast libelous or slanderous material.
Obviously, if the only people who read the allegedly libelous material are a handful of potential publishers, Sally's damages would be negligible.
Concern has also been expressed that the article contains potentially libelous material.
I had no idea why Douglas had put the libelous material in the book; I suppose I thought that was close enough to the truth.
She discovered the libelous material and provoked the ensuing scene at the reception.
There had to be another motive beyond the libelous material in the book.