But lewd e-mail messages don't have the graphic sexual imagery of, say, cigars or stained dresses.
In control of the machine for six hours, they replaced the service's home page with a lewd message urging readers to disbelieve the Government.
In tonight's episode, when Desmond discovers the President telegraphing lewd messages, he says, "You don't have to explain, sir, this isn't a grand jury."
Prosecutors said that Mr. Wicht began sending lewd e-mail messages in May 2004 to the girl, who told her parents.
People have been known to receive lewd messages and threats by text.
They logged in as Britney Spears, for instance, and put a lewd message up.
While he has been in the restaurant, someone has scrawled a lewd sexual message on its dusty rear windshield.
During the making of the film, allegations arose that Arjun had been sending lewd messages to Namitha, which led to a brief furore on sets.
What would prevent someone from printing a lewd or hateful message?