Acting under the orders of Lon Nol, the army and air force levelled several villages, massacring the inhabitants.
The fire, which began May 6, had killed more than 200 people, leveled several villages, burned 1.48 million acres of forests and farms and left more than 50,000 homeless.
In 1964, the massive "Good Friday Earthquake" killed 131 people and leveled several villages.
Since October, more than 100,000 Russian troops have inched through Chechnya, leveling villages with low-precision artillery and dumb bombs.
What happened on Dec. 1 when bombs leveled several villages near Tora Bora, the cave complex where Osama bin Laden was thought to be hiding?
His Government leveled Indian villages and burned the Spanish Embassy to kill protesters inside.
A major earthquake struck near the coast of Papua New Guinea in the southwestern Pacific today, leveling villages and leaving at least 1,000 people homeless, officials said.
A month later, miles away, another quake leveled entire villages like Verapaz and Guadalupe, forcing a dusty exodus from houses to tents.
A strong earthquake struck a mountainous region in the southern Soviet Union today, killing at least six people and leveling villages, officials said.
The attacks, which leveled villages and left more than 80 people dead, most of them civilians, enraged a population that had been content to fight Belgrade through peaceful means.