Therefore SAM:SAH ratio directly regulates cellular methylation, whereas levels of vitamins B, B, folic acid and choline regulates indirectly the methylation state via the methionine metabolism cycle.
The underlying theory suggests that action and decision are controlled in the mind by a multi-level process, each level of which regulates and modifies the one below.
That process does not preclude differences, especially because one level of government regulates the other.
Consequently, the level of cytoplasmic β-catenin rises, and stabilized β-catenin, together with the transcriptional factor LEF/TCF, regulates the transcription of Wnt target genes.
It may overshoot the federal or provincial power in which it is grounded and create legislative "no go" zones where neither level of government regulates.
The level of gun-related crime in Switzerland is low not because of morals or values, but because the Government trains, monitors and regulates all those gun owners.
High levels of progesterone produced by the embryonic placenta regulate lymphocyte proliferation at the maternal-fetal interface, locally suppressing maternal immune response against the developing embryo.
The federal level only regulates very few general matters: the start and end of the compulsory education (which is between the ages of 6 and 18), the minimal conditions for issuing diplomas, and the pension scheme.
It seems that there is an important role of ras and intracellular levels of calcium regulate the expression of angiogenic genes in response to hypoxia.