The state asked the 2,500 licensed centers to conduct the tests after a pilot study showed that 10 of 22 centers tested had readings above the level recommended by the Federal Government.
Despite the latest gains, most students were still reading below the levels recommended by the governing board of the testing program.
The Senate also rejected, 59 to 40, an effort to cut an additional 30,000 troops in Europe from the level recommended by the Senate Armed Services Committee.
For individual items or programs, funding may be limited to the level recommended in authorizing legislation.
Thirty to fifty percent of the time, Mexico City's levels of fine particles of ten micrometers, the most dangerous, exceed levels recommended by the World Health Organization.
Some mean-spirited statisticians calculated how much longer people would live if every American reduced fat intake to the level recommended by the Federal Government and major health organizations.
The American Diabetes Association recommends a target blood pressure of less than 130/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).1 The level recommended by other groups may vary.
This research revealed that traditional summer clothing in North America offered less than 15 SPF protection, the minimum level recommended by doctors.
At the insistence of House Republicans, Congress's plans for the city's budget includes cuts below the level recommended by the control board.
In addition, 60 percent of blood samples from Chester children exceeded lead levels recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.