He took another drink of wine, and the level in the glass measurably diminished.
High levels of car ownership can diminish the problem, but certain rural groups (the young, old or poor) always require public transport.
The level of training diminished Landis's performance in races, but he was focused on more long-term goals.
Also during this high rainfall period, sap levels are at their highest, and then diminish towards the dry season.
And I am told the level of threat against my life has not diminished at all.
However, some claimed that the level of corruption did not diminish throughout Musharraf's time.
Another issue that you can front here: Globalization is going to be at a standstill for a while, until this high level of uncertainty diminishes.
From 1998 on, the level of repression diminished noticeably.
"The level of trust has diminished somewhat," he said.
The high levels of pain and fear and urgency it was feeling had not diminished.