Or on the Federal Government, which has raised immigration quotas to levels approaching those of the late 19th century.
"Once I hear that sound," he said, "my pulse drops back to a level approaching normal."
Starting in the early 1960s, when the now-defunct MM was started, there were attempts to form societies accepting people at a level approaching this.
From their level, approaching slowly.
Speculative runs against Spanish sovereign debt were discouraged and 10 year bond yields stayed below the 6% level approaching the 5% level by years end.
The cumulative effect has been a sharp drop in the unemployment rate - to a level approaching what some economists define as full employment.
The game was a marked departure from the standard formula, bringing space combat to a level approaching the Star Wars films.
This suggests that the American investment firm is confident that the price of the shares will not plunge to levels approaching a default when trading resumes.
However, She-Hulk had done so more efficiently, briefly reaching levels almost approaching those of the Hulk himself.