Leukocytosis' is a raised white blood cell count (the leukocyte count) above the normal range.
All patients are initially classified as either standard risk or high risk based on age, presenting leukocyte count, and the presence or absence of CNS disease.
Enumeration of individual leukocyte counts was then completed using Cell Quest software.
Neutrophils are the most common cell type seen in the early stages of acute inflammation, and make up 60-70% of total leukocyte count in human blood.
In children, the presence of vertebral osteomyelitis can be signaled by these symptoms, along with high-grade fevers and an increase in the body's leukocyte count.
DLC (differential leukocyte count) showing increased numbers of polymorphs.
When the isolated BIV was inoculated into colostrum deprived young calves, they developed elevated leukocyte counts.
During the second phase, typical findings include elevated protein levels, increased leukocyte count, or a decrease in glucose levels of the cerebrospinal fluid).
High leukocyte count in the peripheral blood.
These males were typically immunologically superior with higher leukocyte counts.