Nigel and Jeff looked like last week's lettuce sandwiches when they walked in.
Out in the kitchen they made large sardine and lettuce sandwiches, one of Mother's favorites.
The memories trickled back as I savored each bite of my tomato and lettuce sandwich.
The lettuce sandwich (bread with lettuce filling) is also an old-fashioned English food.
Two leaves of lettuce with no filling can also be eaten as a lettuce sandwich.
The lettuce sandwich has also become a cultural metaphor to represent something unattractive, unappealing, weak, or mundane.
The lettuce sandwich is considered a humble, tasteless food.
It can be used to represent disappointment as in "life was like a lettuce sandwich over the sink".
A lettuce sandwich is a sleep-inducing remedy for insomnia.
I got up and ordered a peanut-butter, bacon, tomato, and lettuce sandwich.