"It's becoming standard operating procedure for chief executives in some industries to send out letters soliciting donations to a PAC or a candidate," he said.
Triathletes also send "beg letters" soliciting donations.
The letter soliciting donations to the $350-a-plate event at the New York Hilton on June 2, 1988, included a one-page glowing description of Mrs. McGann.
Numerous complaints have been made by individuals who are receiving dozens of letters soliciting funds and are unable to persuade the charity to remove their names from the mailing list.
The case hit a nerve in the industry, where job hopping is endemic and letters soliciting accounts can promise the moon.
Ms. Tucker also signed the letter soliciting nominations to give the foundation credence, but neither she nor Ms. Hambourg participated in choosing the winners.
This morning I attended a meeting where a select few were called together to consider some questions that were presented to them by a letter soliciting consideration and advice on these subjects.
Justice O'Connor canceled a talk to a Republican group that used her name in a letter soliciting $10,000 political contributions.
Mr. Shalnev said a letter soliciting the ads was now being distributed among American businesses, and he described the intitial response as "tremendous."
After sending 850 letters soliciting reaction from community residents, his office received five or six responses a week later, he said.