"He entered the business to find two Arabs whooping and hollering and really cheering it up," the letter recounted.
Nickerson's letter, published February 14, 1919, recounted the tea party and his attendance as a legislative candidate 50 years after the reported event.
A letter to the editor on June 28 recounted a customs-tariff tale that has familiar reverberations but, in my case, the outcome was quite different.
One such letter recounts that so much damage was done to the town that it was completely evacuated, and was engulfed by the sea.
Other letters recounted Martin's dealings with the Indian tribes, as well as settlement efforts in Tennessee.
As Frank recounts the letter his voice breaks.
A letter to his mother toward the end of his work on the Manhattan Project recounts the detonation of the first atomic bomb.
Gomoll's open letter not only challenged Sterling's account, but recounts the history of women's involvement in science fiction writing and fandom during the 1970s.
The letter recounts, too, that the Haggadah was printed on a captured offset press.
The letter recounted her frustration that she had not received an offer to return to work at the White House.