The letter, released publicly, questioned the propriety of Alliance officers' investing in the venture portfolio.
The letter also questions a number of civil service appointments in the department since the election with political backgrounds.
An open letter signed by more than 40 faculty members questioned the appropriateness of the predominantly Christian focus of the grant.
Bachmann's letter also questioned how Abedin was able to receive security clearance.
But no firm proposals on the panel's makeup have been made, and the letter from the lawmakers questioned the way the panel was being created.
A letter to the editor signed by sixteen faculty members questioned the appropriateness of legal action in this dispute.
Local newspapers wrote about the issue and letters to the editor questioned the moral integrity of the teachers for not paying the money back.
The letter also questioned how the students were putting themselves through school this year.
The letter also questioned the administration's justification in aiding just these two.
Many letters to the national press questioned the nature of the reforms to be expected from the new committee members.