The letter effectively orders the company to withdraw the program.
The letter ordered the university to make numerous changes in its consent forms, experiments and programs.
A letter dated March 9 ordered the city to hold off on creating the funds until they could be reviewed by the state.
She substituted a letter ordering the governor to marry him to the princess.
Threatening letters received by migrants ordered them to send money to an address in Paraguay.
The letter ordered the center to make 16 changes in its practices to comply with the law and strongly recommended 7 other changes.
How did the impression of the letter ordering the second statue come to be on Felix's blotting paper?
The letter also ordered her to get licenses and inoculations for her cats.
Another letter ordered a newspaper to redo a cartoon that showed a soldier carrying an Iraqi flag.
Word is, he's already sent the General's widow a letter ordering her to vacate by sundown tonight.