Near the end of her life, she feared that her three daughters would sell it and she wrote them impassioned letters imploring them to keep it in the family.
But many of those patients wrote letters imploring Amgen to let them have the drug, insisting that it had greatly improved their condition.
In response to a 1990 newspaper column about a woman who had fled New York's expensive, crime-ridden streets, Mr. Rudin wrote a letter imploring her to return "to the Big Apple and help us solve not only New York's problems, but all of the social problems of this great country."
And Carl Pope, the executive director of the Washington-based organization, sent Mr. Haytaian a letter this week imploring the party chairman to "use your position" to persuade Republican leaders to protect the environment.
Since the chapel opened in 1983, 6,859 letters imploring Malverde for help have been received there.
According to these accounts, Tetricus deliberately positioned his troops so they could easily be defeated, having previously sent Aurelian a letter, imploring with the words of Virgil, "rescue me undefeated from these troubles."
A15 Slain Guard's Kin Issue Plea Relatives of the slain Swiss Guard commander, Lieut. Col. Alois Estermann, left, and his wife, who was killed with him, issued a letter imploring journalists to stop printing rumors about the couple's marriage.
Two of his letters imploring the patriarch to return from Rome, written on 28 December 1737 and 5 March 1739 respectively, have survived in the Vatican archives.
Wingate on the other hand struggled to keep up with the flood of scripts coming in, to the point where Warner Brothers' head of production Darryl Zanuck wrote him a letter imploring him to pick up the pace.
Finally, I wrote her a letter imploring her to speak with me.